Close Friend

This feature allowed us to have close friends and several bonus items for players if they reached certain points (intimacy) in their friendship. We can access it from our Profile. Here is the interface :

1. This tabs are for each different close friends that we added. We got 2 slots for free and on our 3rd slot we need to pay 1k CR, 4th slot 2k CR, and so on. Normally max CF for each player are 12 slots, but when your VIP are getting higher, you can unlock additional slots for CF :D

2. This is the badge of our friendship. It display different badge for certain point of intimacy. (someone please confirm me is the last one really 2749 int xD)

3. It shows us our intimacy with our CF.

4. For us to named our CF tabs, max 4 letters.

5. CF decoration just like love decoration.

6. Reminder of how many times have you danced with your CF, max 3 times each day!

7. There is another way to raise intimacy points, which is by sending your CF flowers. 
  By sending a flower, we earn bubble (an item) that can be merge to make several items. Here are the reward list :

Angel Necklace Effect (Clover)
8. By upgrading our badge, we also leveling our cohesion. When the cohesion upgraded, we can claim accessories that are permanent.
Heart of the Ocean Blue Effect (Bubble)