• Exchange

Q : I got 1st / 2nd prize! I want to sell it in exchange but I don't know the price. Is there any standardization?
A : Nope, you have to evaluate the market price yourself.

Q : If I buy something from exchange, can I resell it?
A : yes, as long as there's still 'G' / 'S' mark in the item (you have not use it).

  • Bag
Q : my bag are full! what to do?
A : you can always expand it with 100 RC / CR for 1 slot, or you can wait in the GS until it appear xD
  • Ranks
Q : How do I raise my fortune?
A : you can raise it by buying items from shop (e.g eggs, clothes, fountain love, feather, etc).

Q : Do I get something if I become ranking in my server? And what is it?
A : yes (exclude tutor ranks). There are various 7d accessories, BRc, & title. Only top 3 got the accessories, rank 4-10 only got BRc, but all of them still got title (with different value point).
  • Crafts & Interaction
Q : I saw people changing into something non-human appearance! How to do that!?
A : It called transformations. You need to own (this means the sets can't be put in exchange anymore) specific 1st Prize sets in order to use it. Oh, you need same colors sets in order to make the transformation works.

Q : Is every transformation are permanent?
A : yes it's permanent, because your clothes are permanent, right? xD you can transform other player for several seconds only, once they revert back, you need to transform them again.

Q : If I craft (e.g mic / wings / wagon / etc), do I need to collect the materials with the same colors?
A : No. Rule for crafting are only rare mats for rare crafts; opt mats for opt crafts. You can always check the requirement items and if the box thick already, means you're qualified to craft it.
  • Profile
Q : How to change our profile picture?
A : Unfortunately until today we still can't change it.

Q : I saw people using poses that not available in profile, how to do that?
A : It's either mounts / instruments / date poses. You need to own it so it's available in your profile poses.
  • Stage
Q : How to accomplish 'Complete Explode Section' in stage?
A : You need to hit all arrows in 'Crazy Time' this happened in specific turns in each songs (well I never count it). This happened when the arrows got electrical effects and on the right of your screen got a lot of small circle and light-up everytime your hit the arrows.
  • Others
Q : What's the different between RC & CR?
A : Eggs & stuffs in exchange can only be bought by RC, while CR can only buy stuffs in shop. If you were shopping in shop, the system will deduct your CR first.

Q : What's auto-apply?
A : It's a system that help player automatically in 'ready' mode to play games. You can find it in settings.

Q : How to take a screenshot / video with clear view? (no ready button and other things)
A : press 'ALT+h'.

Q : What's the different between S-horn, W-horn, Theme Airing & CS-horn?
A : S-horn & W-horn are only visible in your own server, the different between these are W-horn got a pop up box above the chat box in game.
As for Theme Airing & CS-horn, both visible in all servers, only that Theme Airing got theme backgrounds that can be choose.

Q : I saw people using weird font, how to do that?
A : go to this site Ameba Pico not all the symbol there can be use in TOUCH!

Q : Is there a quick way to identify how many 1st prize that we can get from an egg?
A : just point your cursor into the egg, there will be info of it. But nowadays, sometimes they give wrong info .-.